Our ambassadors have a diverse range of experience, but they all love sharks. Many are available for classroom presentations, Virtual Lessons or work shops. You will find others creating amazing educational resources or talking all about sharks at events!
Please CONTACT US to find out more or to schedule a visit.

Jessica Woodend
Jessica is a Wildlife Educator, and an avid diver. This means you will find her holding an owl and teaching kids that yes, there are sharks in Maine! Jessica does events, school presentations, and helps with the social media.

Leann Winn
New Jersey & New York Director
Education Team
Leann is a marine biologist, teacher and researcher. Leann has worked on shark projects around the world and along with educational outreach, she is also assisting with STEM activities and curriculum development.

Dr. Enie Hensel
Enie is a marine ecologist and currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Her research focus is currently seagrass restoration and ecosystem responses to hurricanes. Enie does school presentations, events and assists with curriculum development.

Michelle Trigg
After traveling the world as a scuba instructor, Michelle has returned to the UK. She does presentations in person and virtually, teaching students about sharks and share her passion for the ocean with them.

Jenny Bortoluzzi
Jenny is currently a PhD researcher at Trinity College Dublin where she is studying the ecology of large marine predators. Jenny does school visits in the region as well as virtual lessons.

Linda weiss
South Florida Program Director
Linda has been assisting our team with outreach events and is also active with the Guy Harvey Research Institute shark tagging program. Linda is an avid scuba diver and loves sharing her passion for the water with others. Look for Linda at our Fort Lauderdale area events! She is also does our Shark of the Month blog!

candace fields
Florida, The Bahamas
From The Bahamas, Candace is currently a Ph.D. student under the joint supervision of Drs. Demian Chapman and Yannis Papastamatiou at FIU. Her research focuses on the population dynamics and geographic population structure of large predators, with a particular focus on oceanic whitetip sharks. Candace shark talks, is part of Project LemonAid and helps create lessons.

Tatyana Dacostagomez
Tatyana is an avid diver and digital artist. She creates amazing graphics for us and is part of our social media team.

Michelle andersen
Born and raised in Minnesota, Michelle worked in aquariums there before heading south to find warmer weather and more sharks. She earned a degree in biology from the University of South Florida. You will see Michelle at various outreach events and school visits. She has assisted in developing programs as well as coordinating events. Her passion for sharks is contagious.

jeynaliz ortiz gonzalez
Puerto Rico
Jeynaliz has been busy spreading shark education around Puerto Rico, speakings to hundreds of students. She is heading for a Master's degree focused on marine conservation.

stepahnie Huynh
New Jersey
Stephanie is an avid diver who loves sharks. She is passionate about sharing shark facts with kids. Steph does virtual lessons for us.

Arenthia baker
Turks and Caicos
Arenthia is doing schools visits throughout the islands as well as assisting with our research project. She is an avid diver and works for the Turks and Caicos National Trust.

Patrick Burke
A PhD candidate at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. Originally from Kentucky but completed a BSc in marine biology at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, then a MSc in marine biodiversity and conservation in Belgium. Patrick is PhD candidate studying sawshark ecology. He does virtual and in person lessons and creates materials.

Tyler Mahler
Tyler is an avid shark diver and has logged thousands of hours underwater with these amazing animals. His commitments to the ocean, environment, scuba diving and the tourism industry involves an ongoing educational and outreach component.
You can follow his dive adventures HERE.

marissa Debonis
New York
Marissa is an environmental educator focused on marine conservation and shark science. She loves coming up with creative activities that allow students to explore complex scientific topics in simple, yet fun ways.

Gabe jensen
When Gabe is not working as a chemist, you can usually find him wearing a shark costume and teaching kids how awesome these animals are. He is an avid diver and free diver, always sharing his love of the ocean with those around him.

Michaela Palmer
Michaela works for an environmental engineering firm focused on coastal management and water resources. She is currently working on a MS at Johns Hopkins University. She is an avid freediver as well. Michaela has been assisting us at education and outreach events as well as creating content.

The Bahamas
Brian went through our student program and has since graduated. He is now an eco tour guide and is helping us with school visits in Bimini.