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Creative Shark Crafts: Shark Hats

Skype Shark Lesson

Skype is an incredible tool and yesterday I was able to read my book Norman the Nurse Shark to nearly 100 grade one students at Westwood Elementary. Writing the book was a wonderful journey, but sharing the book is even more amazing than I imagined. Skype allows me to tell Norman's story to kids all over the world.

When the students appeared on screen they were all wearing shark hats, which they had made. They used THIS coloring sheet, cut out the shark, glued the shark to a paper band and VOILA... JAWsome shark hats. I still get really excited every time I see students using the materials we have worked hard to create. I am also impressed with how creative kids and teachers can be!

Coloring sheets for making hats

Thanks Westword Elementary and Marianne Elias for making this experience possible!

Thanks to Scott Soeder for the FIN tastic coloring sheets.

Click HERE to learn more about our Skype classroom lessons.

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